Friday, December 23, 2011

General Emil Strainu about the Reptilian ETs

General Emil Strainu about the Reptilian ETs

General Dr. Emil Străinu

Romanian General, expert in radiolocation (radar technology) and Doctor in geophysical war.

Currently he occupies the following positions: 
"Advisor of the Romanian Parliament on unconventional issues and asymmetrical threats." 

“Director of The Special Situations and Research Center on UFOs and Psihotronics.”

"Founder of the Association for the Study of Unidentified Aerospace Phenomena."

 Author of dozens of esoteric books.

General Emil Strainu is invited to the most important esoteric events in the world and he wrote dozens of books spreading the true knowledge. He speaks about extraterrestrials, intraterrestrials, and hundreds of other interesting subjects.

He always claimed that the reptilian extraterrestrials exist, that they have huge underground bases/cities, but nothing more. Each time he concluded: “I’m not going any further on this subject!” 

After reading Aryan Hava's books "Inuaki, the reptilian inside me" (1 and 2), General Strainu contacted her because he had a mind-blowing story to tell and she was about to launch her third book on this subject: "Anunnaki Vs. Anunnaki" (or " versus"). This is how he ended up writing the book's preface. 

In the introduction he speaks about a good friend of his who had seen two reptilian beings in an early morning (5:00 AM) in the Retezat Mountains (A group of Mountains in the Carpathians:

His friend is also a military figure, a high ranking officer specialized in commando warfare, which asked for his identity to remain hidden. He served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and Latin America (South America). Currently he is on another War Theater in the Middle East. General Strainu also mentioned that his friend is not a fan of neither Sci-Fi or Ufology. General Strainu stated that he trusts his friend above any doubt.

The events took place as follows:
The high ranking officer, lets call him Colonel X, was driving back from a short camping trip, which he took alone in the mountains. He was closing to Bucharest (Romania's capital city) when his car signalized that it was low on gas, so he pulled into a small rural gas station.

It was 5:00 - 5:10 AM, so nobody was around. Colonel X noticed a khaki Hummer with black windows parked outside the gas station with the engine on, but nobody around it. After filling up his tank, he payed and headed back to his SUV. But then he noticed that the driver's door of the Hummer was opened and inside it he saw a reptilian being. The reptilian had no clothes but it was wearing military boots; he/it was entirely covered with green scales (just like a crocodile) and had a lizard-type crest on the head. The reptilian saw Colonel X, then he got out of the car unhindered, while still staring at him. He directed some sharp sounds at someone from inside the car, this time looking irritated, then got back at the wheel and quickly drove away. The car had no license plates, either on the front or back.

Colonel X appreciated the reptilian to be 2,00m (78,7 inches) high, with yellow eyes and cat type slits.

The Colonel looked around to see if someone else had witnessed the event, but he was alone. Then he noticed the gas station's video camera. Unfortunately, the salesman told him that the camera was "just for decoration" and had no practical use, other than scare any potential robbers. Thinking that this was a very well played hoax, he got back into the car and continued his journey.

After several miles he was still very ridden by the events, when he saw the same Hummer with all four doors opened. Further, outside the road, he noticed two dark green reptilians that seemed to be arguing.
The second reptilian was 15-20 cm (5,9 - 7,9 inches) higher than the first one. He wasn't wearing clothes or boots. He had lizard-type feet and unlike the first one, he also had a tail.

On the street, trucks were passing by in both directions and the drivers were pointing at the creatures, but nobody pulled over. Then, Colonel X got his mobile phone out and took several photographs of the reptilians that were totally careless of this event.

After 3-5 minutes, the two reptilians got back into the car and drove back in the direction they initially came from, with high speed. The Colonel looked again at the pictures from his mobile phone and rushed for Bucharest in order to contact General Strainu and together decide what to do with the astonishing pictures.

Back in Bucharest, the phone was clearly showing 11 pictures, but all of them were completely green. Together with General Strainu, they headed to a phone service company that couldn't help them either. It was like the Colonel photographed a bright green light.

For two weeks they analyzed the story in great detail and searched for witnesses, but all efforts ended up in failure.
                             (Colonel X probably saw something like this, but green)

General Emil Strainu concluded:
"Only one thing is sure: we live in a world that we only THINK we know, having a false impression that we are its masters. In fact we are only subtenants in transit, on a planet that never belonged to us and having no idea what our purpose really is..." 

The Human and Reptilian Evolutionary Tree

The Human and Reptilian Evolutionary Tree - Bill Ryan Letter

The founder of 'Project Camelot' and 'Project Avalon', Bill Ryan, received back in 2010 a letter containing 'The Human and Reptilian Evolutionary Tree'. The letter was sent by someone known as 'Charles'.

The material had been finally released to the public by co-founder Kerry Cassidy. You will understand why she released it after reading her message:
I am putting this in writing so there is no confusion. Based on my dream (and now after hearing subsequent events at your end) I believe you are being targeted because you possess this information. Therefore I am going to release it from my end so that this goes viral and you cannot be targeted any longer. I do this without your consent and take full responsibility. Whereas in my view this information contains gross inaccuracies, I believe that it is being used by Charles (and group) as a sort of 'power over you' by them so that they can use that as leverage to make you think you have something they 'don't want out there' and therefore you are perceived as a sort of threat....

The only way to deal with such coercion is to make the whole thing public. There is no reason not to..

Having me release it will remove the pressure from you and also since I will strongly emphasize this is distorted and ego centric on their part it will hopefully force the situation into a whirlpool of disinfo and eliminate this nonsensical targeting and implied threat.

Let the chips fall where they may.

Again, because it is not information with the ring of truth it will go the way of all such information eventually. It is only because you give it power that it has any over you at all.

In the spirit of Camelot, and the best place to hide is out in the open I release this info.


(Pages 1 & 2 of the letter are just personal and not included...)"

Here is the letter and the evolutionary tree:
The Human and Reptilian Evolutionary Tree:

Beloved friends,
This letter is very interesting and helpful, but my research proves this is not our true history. This is a truncated version, just how the reptilians want us to know it. They haven't upgraded us to a better specie, but instead downgraded us to a lesser one. Humans had at least 12 DNA strands active and we were very strongly connected to the Creation. Humans were kind and positive and never knew negativity until the reptilians came to Earth and genetically modified us to fit their malevolent purposes.

The reptilians genetically modified us to become puppets for their goals. With only 2 DNA strands we are very easy to control. Further, they gave us a part of their brain, by mixing their DNA with ours. This part of the brain is known in the modern medicine as the 'reptilian brain' and it is responsible with all the negativity: hate, fear, revenge, worship, rituals, etc. They made us very weak, while our negative emotions were/are very strong, therefore we could not be in control of our own actions. But times have changed! Now we are more powerful and we are being helped to evolve once again!

(Our bodies are developing 12 DNA strands once again!
 Click HERE to read the article: "Amazing! Scientists: Our DNA is Mutating As We Speak! We Are Developing 12 Strands!"

AND: 5th Dimensional Shift and DNA Upgrade).

The reptilians are deceivers and this is what they want us to believe, that they are our creators and we owe them. Now this story comes out to add more disinformation and to make us turn attention from them. The reptilians could not 'die out' or leave this planet. They are too strong and too intelligent. They are in control.

One of the Illuminati plans is to admit that extraterrestrials are real, but to present the reptilians and grays as heroes. The enslavers will become heroes and we will worship them.

For me, this story is pure disinformation. In my perception the reptilians are still here, because Earth is the last planet that fits their low vibration. The final battle will be held here and we will win it....not by weapons and wars, but through love and unity.

The evolutionary tree is mostly accurate in my opinion, but it needs another representation. The 'pure humans' are in fact 'humans with pure reptilian DNA' and they are the main puppets and hosts of the reptilians.

(Here is evidence that the human specie is HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF YEARS OLD:
Click HERE to read the article: "Amazing Evidence: The Human Specie is Hundreds of Millions of Years Old!").

As you see, the truth is finally coming out. This process cannot be stopped. The years 2011 and 2012 will reveal us our true history, step by step.

Love always,
P.S. Bill Ryan's Response to this letter (50 minutes)

Anunnaki: Chronology of events (Part Four)

Anunnaki: Chronology of events (Part Four)

The decisive era


Abraham was born in Nippur.

Nannar received the land of Shem from Enlil. Ur became the capital of the new empire. Ur-Nammu ascended to the throne and became Nippur’s protector. Abraham’s father, Terah, came to Ur to conclude an alliance with the royal court. 

(Map showing The Land of SHEM)
(Ur-Nammu's pallaces and ziggurat. Around them we can see the city of Ur)
                                            (Ur-Nammu's ziggurat)

   (Ur-Nammu's ziggurat in our days. The top two floors had collapsed)


Ur-Nammu was killed in the war. The people were sure that his death was arranged by Anu and Enlil. Terah left with his family in Harran.


Shulgi took Ur’s throne. The empire prospered. He fell in love with Inana and became her lover. He gave Larsa to the Alamitos in exchange for their promise to fight as a foreign legion.


The Princes of Thebes, which were loyal to Ra/Marduk, began to pressure the North which was under the rule of Mentuhotep I. The son of Ra/Marduk gained adherents for his father from Western Asia.

                                                                     (Thebes Ruins from our days)

                                                                                           (Thebes temple ruins)
                                                                                       (Thebes temple)

Riots had begun in the Canaanite cities. Nannar ordered Shulgi to send Elamite troops to stop the riots. The Alamitos reached the entrance of the Sinai Peninsula and the spaceport.

                                                                   (The Sinai peninsula - the main spaceport was located here)

Slugi died. Marduk moved into the land of the Hittites. Abraham was the ruler of the Southern Canaan having elite troops under his command.


Amar-Sin, known in the Bible as Amraphel, became Ur’s king. Abraham left for Egypt and came back with more troops, 5 years later.


Amar-Sin (with Inanna’s guidance) formed the coalition of the Eastern kings. Then he sent a military expedition in both Canaan and Sinai. Abraham blocked their entrance into the Sinai space port.


While the empire was falling apart, Shu-Sin replaced Amar-Sin to Ur’s throne.


Ibbi-Sin took Shu-Sin’s place. The Western provinces wanted Marduk.

(Please read carefully what comes next)


Marduk took Babylon’s throne. The war extended towards Mesopotamia’s center. Nippur's sacred lands were defiled. Enlil ordered the punishment of Marduk and Nabu, but Enik opposed. Enik’s soon, Nergal, took Enlil’s side.

Nabu and his troops were about to take over the spaceport. The greatest Anunnaki (probably Anu) approved the use of nuclear/ mass destruction weapons.

Nergal and Ninurta attacked and completely destroyed both the spaceport and the Canaanite cities.
                                                                        (Sinai spaceport attacked with nuclear weapons)

The wind carried radioactive wastes towards Sumer. All humans and animals died. The water was poisoned and the land became barren. The great Sumer (and its entire civilization) was laying in ruins.

Abraham died at the age of 100. His hire became Isaac.

That's the end of the Sumerian tablets. As seen in the previous tablets, the Reptilian Anunnakis gave Earth's leadership to those with pure reptilian blood and DNA. They only came from their underground cities in extreme cases and their solutions are extreme. Anu is Nibiru's king and he lives there. We live very interesting times, as the planet is getting closer to Earth.

Will Nibiru's passing destroy all life on Earth?
For me, seeing Nibiru approaching to our solar system, is just another proof that the Sumerian tablets are 100% accurate.
(Not that I needed any more proof! After thorough research I was able to check their accuracy from different sources. The tablets never disappointed me, they are TRUE and I advice you not to believe those trying to discredit Zecharia Sitchin's translations. Will you believe those who lied and enslaved us for millennia, or those who are struggling to bring the truth to the surface?).
And if the tablets are true, then this also means that the Reptilian Anunnakis are REAL. One more proof that they were here and almost for sure they are still here, ruling over us from the shadows. This is much more important than any planet up in the sky. We are their slaves and their food (just like we use animals as our slaves and food) and no matter how painful the truth is, we must accept it! Only after dealing with it we can move forward and seek for solutions. Staying ignorant is what they want, but their reign will be over soon.

Nibiru's passing brought the destruction of a a very small population at that time, located close to great waters in the lowlands. There's nothing to worry about now! Probably medium floods will occur in some areas, but nothing more.
In my opinion Nibiru will reach the pick of its elliptic orbit in our solar system way after 2012 and it will be clearly visible in the sky for years. 

My dear friends, the Reptilian Anunnakis can only survive as long as we keep generating negative emotions. If we begin generating positive emotions, Earth’s vibration will rise and they can’t accommodate it. They do everything possible to keep us unhappy, ill, sad and poor. That’s why there are always wars and unrest. They want us to fight each other, but we have to remember that we are all ONE.

If we want to defeat them and set ourselves free, then all we have to do is learn INFINITE LOVE and ALWAYS manifest it.


Anunnaki: Chronology of events (Part Three)

Anunnaki: Chronology of events (Part Three)

Kings on Earth

3,760 BC
The humans received Earth’s leadership. Ninurta made the first capital at Kish. The calendar emerged in Nippur. The civilization had begun flourishing outside Sumer.
Nannar/Sin took over the leadership of Sumer. Babylon was proclaimed “the gate of the gods” by Marduk. The well known event from the Babylon Tower (a.k.a. The Tower of Babel) took place and the Anunnakis managed to "tangle" the human languages (the Biblical confusion of tongues).
(Babylon Tower still under construction. The ancient constructions were built to last for tens or thousands of years. The pyramids of Giza from Egypt were recently dated to be at least 15,000 years old. These constructions defy our modern dating techniques.
As I always stated, someone is trying very hard to hide the truth. All pyramids from all over the world were intentionally covered with soil, even those from Giza. Other giant structures have been tared apart by unearthly powers. For example: Puma Punku.
The biblical story:
According to the biblical account, a united humanity of the generations following the Great Flood, speaking a single language and migrating from the east, came to the land of Shinar, where they resolved to build a city with a tower "with its top in the heavens...lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the Earth." God came down to see what they did and said: "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So God said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth." *Genesis 11:5-8* ).

Thoth has been dethroned by Ra/Marduk. Dumuzi, Thoth’s brother has been arrested for betraying Inanna; then, mistakenly killed. Marduk has been walled in inside the Great Pyramid, but he managed to escape through out a secret tunnel. Then he fled into exile.

(Marduk depicted in his human form with a reptilian being next to him; or part of him. Also, in the left side of the picture, a snake seems to climb up his sleeve and emerge at the back of his head. This way, his had seems to have two opposite faces: one human/ one reptilian. In the Sumerian culture many gods were depicted as having multiple faces, clear sign of shapeshifting even though the accepted variant is different. Please remember that no civilization had the right to depict the reptilians in their reptilian form).

Those have been years of chaos that came to an end only after a new Pharaoh was proclaimed. The civilization evolved reaching the second region.

Erech took over the leadership of Sumer and Inanna gave him full powers over the third region. The Valley of Indus flourished with civilization. 

(By the way, Inanna is being accompanied by owls in the Sumerian depictions. The Illuminati and Secret Societies worship her in a special ceremony where they burn humans in front of a huge owl statue in the Bohemian Groove.
                                 (Black Mass Ritual at the Bohemian Groove, 1927)
            (At the Bohemian Groove, with 2 US Presidents: Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon)
All US Presidents have been members of the Bohemian Groove. The rituals include burning children or babies in front of the owl statue.
Real footage from the Bohemian Groove ceremony, secretly broad casted live on CNN:
You have to understand that our leaders know their origins and respect them with holiness. They respect the pure reptilian DNA. Have you ever wondered why the blue blooded always married royalty? They don't want to mix their blood and lose their DNA purity).

The Sumerian Kingdom begun falling apart and its Capital was moved.
Enlil stated that the humans became harder to control. 
(The humans were many and began defying the Reptilian control. Also, the humans in that area also spoke the same language, which made them even harder to control. The Reptilians (god/gods) found a solution and confused their tongues. This was a long process, not something that happened over night. Because they live very long lives, time was/is not a problem for the reptilians.

Very intriguing for me is the story of a Sumerian hero, Adapa, who was so perfect that the Ea decided to keep him alive forever by taking him up to the Heavenly Abode of Anu where Adapa could eat the Bread and Water of Life.).

Inanna fell in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon). He established his capital at Agade. This was the birth of the Akkadian Empire.
                                      (Map of The Akkadian Empire, 2,300 BC)
Sargon desecrated the land of Babylon because he wanted to rule over all four regions. The conflict between Inanna and Marduk grew. In order to put an end to it, Nergal (Marduk’s brother) has intervened. He went to Africa in order to convince Marduk to leave from Mesopotamia.

Naram-Sin took over Akkad’s throne. With Inanna’s help, he managed to enter in Egypt, through the Sinai Peninsula.

Inanna took over the power in Mesopotamia. Narram-Sin defied Nippur. The great Anunnakis (the reptilians) attacked Agade, wiping it off the face of the Earth. Inanna managed to escape. Enlil’s and Ninurta’s allies took over Sumer and Akkad.

Sumer’s civilization flourished due to some astute leaders from Lagash. Thoth helped Gudea to build a ziggurat* in Ninurta’s honor.
(*ziggurat = massive monument having the form of a terraced step pyramid of successively receding stories or levels; see sketches bellow).
Tearh (Abraham’s father) was born in a family of high priests.
(Do you remember what the purpose of the first priests was? The Reptilians gave them power and true knowledge, while the priests conducted the human sacrifices in the name of the -reptilian- gods).

Egypt was divided in two. Ra/Marduk’s descendants kept the South, while the Pharaohs took the throne of the Lower Egypt.

The authority had begun deteriorating in Mesopotamia. Inanna was removed from Erech’s throne.

The Sumerian tablets tell the true history of a very small area of the planet, as seen in the maps bellow:
I have no doubt that this is the true history of this small area of Planet Earth. But we, humans, are very different in aspect and culture, depending on the areas where our ancestors lived. If we want to put together our entire TRUE history, then we have to study each of the first civilizations and connect the dots.
One thing is clear: all our ancestors -no matter where they lived- either worshiped or feared reptilian/ serpent/ dragon gods.
(Just as the Anunnakis gave the leadership to the humans with serpent DNA, the "dragon gods" from ASIA gave the power to their direct human descendants. We accept the royal families without question as our leaders because they descend from the reptilian extraterrestrials. In their opinion, they have the right to lead us because they have pure reptilian DNA. The Reptilians never left Earth. They live in huge underground cities, ruling us from the shadows. Our human leaders know of their existence and always follow their lead. As you will see, at one point they gave full control of the human hybrids over the rest of us, while they moved away from the public sight).

For example, the Hindu gods also came from the heavens in flying machines and waged wars against each other.
                     (Vimanas depicted as flying boats carried in flight by white birds)
                                              (Vimana in flight, in the top right corner)

Interesting scene where the Hindu gods fought against each other with flying crafts and nuclear weapons:
"Gurkha, flying in his swift and powerful Vimana, hurled against the three cities of the Vrishnis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and Andhakas." (...)
"The corpses were so burnt they were no longer recognizable. Hair and finger nails fell out, Pottery broke without cause. (...) Foodstuffs were poisoned. To escape, the warriors threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment."

Haemosu came to Korea: a true Son of Heaven came down through the air in a five-dragon chariot. 

In China (which I remind you that has between 100 and 300 pyramids; read in the "Pyramids" section), the Emperors were descendants of the Dragon Gods and used "chariots of fire" to fly with.
I've also presented the videos of Wayne Herschel who tells the story of Ra's arrival to Earth from the Pleiades. He came in a flying disk and went to his underground city/base/home by using the tunnels from underneath the Sphinx. 
(One Egyptian papyrus telling the story of Ra's arrival to Earth from the Pleiades. Notice the flying disc -what we call UFO- landed on the Sphinx's back. The disc was shining, as the rays depict).
                              (The flying disc without the shiny rays)

The Mayans also tell the story of their gods.
One of them was Quetzalcoatl (also known as Kukulkan), a fathered serpent who could shape shift into a human. He also came from the Pleiades.
The interesting thing is that he ate humans. The Mayan priests were also sacrificing humans for their gods and took the blood and organs into the underground chambers of the pyramids (again pyramids!). From there, the reptilians took them and ate them. They taught us to sacrifice animals and eat them, just like they sacrifice and eat US. We are both their slaves and their food. It might sound odd if you hear it for the first time, but I dare you to go deeper into our TRUE history (not the fake one taught in schools).
The modern science proved that humans are NOT natural meat eaters. The evidences are many: from our teeth, tongue, digestive system, gastric acid and intestines. Humans are the only species who eats for pleasure, instead of need. The faeces resulted from the rotted meet stay in our intestines 7 times longer than in those of a meat eater by nature.
(Quetzalcoatl depicted in both forms: Human wearing a fathered suit and Fathered Snake eating a human. Probably in his reptilian shape he was wearing the feathered suit as well.)